Home EventsTrade shows BOOST – MarediModa’s exclusive S/S 2025 trends

BOOST – MarediModa’s exclusive S/S 2025 trends

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David Shah provides MarediModa exhibitors with a sneak preview of the trends for summer 2025, a thoughtful survey that lit the fuse of the collections which will be seen in Cannes in November. A study carried out by the MarediModa Trend Board that analyses from both a sociological and stylistic point of view what will happen in the next two years, to prepare everyone to choose the right directions.

Adopting circular, ethical, diverse, social, collaborative, and progressive technological practices is worthy of applause! These changes to industry standards are mind-blowing, rapid, and stormy, fueled by political, economic, and social progression. Change and uncertainty have made the ‘real’ world so tense that creating something that feels unreal is more appealing than ever. We have been contemplating provocative and stimulating directions that might just lead you away from business as usual. Since we live in these extraordinary times, we are exploring the unexpected, aspiring to inspire, nodding to the everyday while boosting elevated standards simultaneously

David Shah

BOOST is the keyword of trends 2025 with 5 themes identified: Exuberant, Sensitive, At Ease, Magical and Transformed. MarediModa Miami and MarediModa Cannes visitors will have exclusive free access to the 2025 TREND BOOK and the trend presentation video.


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