Home ProductsShapewear CoppaFeel! hijacks Queen of the Crop launch

CoppaFeel! hijacks Queen of the Crop launch

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Breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel! has a new participant in the #BraHijack campaign, new shapewear brand Queen of the Crop. Hijacking the brand’s arrival to the shapewear scene in August, the QotC Covet five piece shapewear range will feature the #BraHijack tags. Designed and developed in the UK, the shapewear brand is making a statement by catering to the most prevalent ethnic complexions.

Nzinga Graham-Smith, the brains behind Queen of the Crop says: “As women, we know just how important it is to look after our bodies, which is why we are proud to have teamed up with CoppaFeel!. The Covet range will feature a #BraHijack swing tag designed to remind women to check their boobs regularly. Why? Be- cause we have as much passion about making you look good on the outside as feeling good on the inside!”

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