Breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel! is reaching its milestone 5th Birthday this month and celebrated in style yesterday with an amazing Birthday Flashmob! 70 dancers donned their CoppaFeel! boob costumes and took to One New Change, where they suprised The City’s lunching crowds with an energetic routine, designed by choreographer Zoe Jackson, to a mash up of Rudimental’s smash hit ‘Feel The Love’ and Christina Aguilera’s ‘Feel This Moment’.
A host of CoppaFeel!’s loyal supporters took part in the dance event, including some of the student volunteers that make up the CoppaFeel! Uni Boob Teams, along with some of the Boobettes, a group of young women who have all either been diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 35, had a breast cancer scare at a young age or have a strong connection to the disease. If you do one thing to celebrate today, coppafeel and start a habit of a lifetime – knowing your boobs could save your life.