Home ProductsUnderwear How SugarCandy* is on a mission to empower fuller busted women

How SugarCandy* is on a mission to empower fuller busted women

by Underlines

Creators of busty wire-free bra(lettes), SugarCandy* Bra have announced the release of their latest campaign fresh off the back of their rebrand and it’s everything they promised it would be. Bold, confident, inclusive and overall just a little bit bad-ass boasting a whole load of personality. With a range of new faces bringing a healthy dose of energy to the brand, the new look further showcases an expansion in both their size and diversity representation.

Of the company’s latest release, SugarCandy* Founder Tracey Montford said: “Alongside our rebrand, we made a pledge to our customers that moving forward we will proudly stand by them in the fight to normalise all body types. We have a zero retouching policy and are committed to growing the diversity of models we use to represent our brand and products so that our customers can see themselves reflected and feel confident throughout their shopping experience.”

The brand has made it clear that they stand firmly against retouching, blurring, smoothing, or any form of so called ‘correcting’. Instead SugarCandy* strongly believes that women shouldn’t be corrected in any way, shape or form but rather accepted exactly as they are. Standing by this belief, they aim to empower women to embrace their bodies and feel emboldened to be unapologetically themselves through shining the light on real bodies, unmasked beauty and honest representation.

“Sadly we’ve been subjected to brands praying on our insecurities and showing unrealistic and unattainable bodies representing products that we’re supposed to believe are made for us. We wanted to push as far as we could in the other direction and that became the driving force behind our rebrand. We realised the narrative we as a brand were putting forth to our customers needed to change, the entire experience needed to change,” says Brand Director Jessi Malouf.

The brand has also hinted that a few new products are in the works for release in 2021, including a more inclusive range of nudes as well as a new, sexier style called Posh. In a push for the brand to further establish themselves as size inclusive, they’re looking to increase their size range in the new year as well. “We want women of every shape, size and colour to feel considered on their shopping journey with us. So, we’re thrilled to be expanding our product range and further diversifying our representation of skin tones. Our current sizing covers 33 cup and band combinations across XS to XXL sizing and we’re looking to significantly expand this offering over the coming year,” says Montford.

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