Underlines talks with Carole Baguet, Lingerie Buyer at Voisins of Jersey which re-opened to the public on 12th May (some four weeks ago) to find out the ‘new normal’ of…
Rigby & Peller prepare for their UK re-opening on 15th June. The specialist intimate apparel retail group has 9 stores in the UK – 5 in London and others in…
Further to our online report yesterday (4th June) about a widespread closure of Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Stores today see the announcement that Deloitte has been appointed as…
Karen Baines is owner of the Sweet Dreams Bra Studio and shares her advice with other specialist lingerie retailers and fitters. Whilst many retailers have already decided that they will…
The UK’s nearest trading partner (and one of the largest), Ireland, is in a unique position during this COVID-19 crisis. Connected to Northern Ireland in land mass, it is an…
John Lewis will begin to reopen its shops for customers as part of a gradual approach from Monday 15 June, starting with its Poole and Kingston department stores, followed by…
Monday 15th June marks the return of retail but not as we know it. The government guidance states the requirements of opening safely on that day. By that time England…
Boris Johnson announced tonight (Monday, May 25th) that non-essential retailers will not be allowed to reopen until the middle of June in the next phase of restriction lifting. With no…
Following our report yesterday on shops getting ready to open on 1st June we speak to some indie retailers who are taking a more softly-softly approach: partial opening hours, fewer…
English retailers are beginning preparation for a return to trading as shops across the country may slowly be able to open their doors from Monday 1st June. There are…
The John Lewis Partnership has announced that it will donate a further £1.4m to around 3,000 local charities who are helping those most in need during the pandemic. This brings…
According to a new report* by Brand Finance® Amazon dominates world’s most valuable retail brand and is set for further growth from and post-COVID19. It makes history by exceeding US$200…