Partnership is integral to creating the sustainable apparel that significantly reduces our industry’s burden on the environment. Over the past two years, we have introduced multiple new SENSIL® technologies to target apparel’s sustainability concerns. Our award-winning collaborations with mills, brands, and retailers are bringing these innovations to life and presenting them to a very receptive performance apparel market.”
Michelle Lea, NILIT’s VP global marketing (Nylon 6.6. performance products SENSIL®)
Advancing apparel sustainability requires partnerships and collaborations that redefine the traditional structure of the global supply chain. Companies across the spectrum from fibre to finished product and through to the end user must work together to create apparel that delivers on consumer demands for performance, longevity, comfort, and style while being better for the planet throughout and after useful life.
Through collaboration with mill partners, NILIT has been selected for three ISPO Textrends Awards for Fall/Winter 25/26:
- Second Layer Top 10 with Pontetorto‘s 9154/M/Bio fabric created with biodegradable SENSIL® BioCare
- Street Sports Selection with Cifra’s B90MF fabric designed with SENSIL® ByNature, the industry first premium Nylon 6.6 that replaces fossil feedstocks with reclaimed biogas made from recyclyed organic waste
- Base Layer Selection with Eusebio’s Kimmy Bio fabric with biodegradable SENSIL® BioCare
At ISPO Munich NILIT will also showcase the partnership with Jack Wolfskin that resulted in the new Pioneers Collection featuring SENSIL® ByNature.