Home ProductsUnderwear Pretty Polly Eco-Wear

Pretty Polly Eco-Wear

by Underlines

Pretty Polly’s Eco-wear collections include hosiery, seam-free underwear and leggings – all are made with the world’s first biodegradable polyamide yarn (which is also recyclable). The yarn when properly disposed of in landfill, naturally bio-degrades with 3-5 years.

Pretty Polly leggings

The packaging is also biodegradable and recyclable. The bioedegradable yarn has a beautiful softness and handle which give the underwear and tights a sense of luxury with balance and comfort combined. The garments are all individually designed for optimum comfort and fit, made to work with the body rather than against it.  The entire collections both of EcoWear and seasonal introductions can be seen at INDX next month.

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