Home Industry Decathlon UK launches new sustainable initiative to help consumers reuse and recycle

Decathlon UK launches new sustainable initiative to help consumers reuse and recycle

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Decathlon UK are delighted to announce the launch of Decathlon Second Life, a new sustainability initiative which will see Decathlon recycle, repair and reuse sports equipment. Second Life will prevent products from going to waste and significantly reduce Decathlon’s impact on the environment.

The Decathlon Second Life collection will be available to purchase in store and on their e-commerce platform, initially offering products such as refurbished bikes, fitness equipment, weights, tents, scooters, kayaks and SUPs. As the project develops, Decathlon aims to introduce other sports hardware, clothing and textiles, with the brand also offering all of the original Decathlon promises, warranties and guarantees as a brand new product bought from www.decathlon.co.uk.

The grading system will also be used to assign a price to each product. Grade A products, those with very light marks, will be available at a 10% discount compared to if the product was purchased as new. The discount level then increases by increments of 10% until you reach Grade D products, where replacement parts might have been required, and a 40% discount.

Nick Connell, project leader of the Decathlon Second Life project in the UK says: “The team are really proud to be launching Second Life in 2021. Following a tough year for the retail sector, but especially the individual and our customers, we’re very excited. Our planet is worth protecting and we all need to accelerate in taking action to reduce our environmental impact. As a business with big production demands we have to act now. By recycling, repairing and reusing products we’re adding another key action to our wider sustainability project.”

Eric Mazillier, CEO of Decathlon UK, comments: “​At Decathlon UK, we strongly believe in our responsibility to help the British population get physically active and healthy through sport. We also believe in our responsibility to protect our​ ​playground… our planet. Decathlon’s Second Life project is a proud moment for Decathlon UK legacy.​ ​It is a new affordable option for​ the​ population to access sports equipment without any compromise on quality ​or​ safety.​ It is also an important first step in the changing approach to our business model; we are assessing what it really means to create value in society and our local communities.​​”

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