At the forthcoming Collection Première Moscow, to be held in Moscow’s Expocentre from 31 August to 3 September 2016, CPM will join forces with the Schneider Group. Headquartered in Moscow, the Schneider Group will act as a ‘one-stop partner’ for European SMEs helping them enter the Russian market and expand into Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland, by offering market consultancy services as well as support with tax, imports, customs and legal matters.
CPM Moscow constantly focuses on initiating business relationships and in this year’s CPM Start Up segment small companies will be able to present themselves to interested agencies. Furthermore, they can also test the Russian market and forge new contacts at a reasonable price.
“Thanks to the additional partnership with the Schneider Group and the Fashion Fast Track process offered companies will be able to deliver goods to Russia within 10 days. We are delighted to have been able to also create another attractive offering for our newcomers through this additional cooperation. This will also attract new producers previously shying away from trade fair participation due to import requirements,” delights Christian Kasch, Project Manager at CPM.