Home TrendsTextiles & Fibres Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomes over 1,200 exhibitors

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomes over 1,200 exhibitors

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More than 1,200 exhibitors from twenty-five countries are taking part in Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre, showcasing the very best in global sourcing to help fashion brands build their Spring-Summer 2026 collections.

Over the three days, international buyers will have access to the leading market  platform for textiles and clothing, and will be able to discover, in a refurbished  space, a first-rate offering with a very wide choice at competitive prices. This  unique concentration of manufacturers and makers constitutes the heart of the  international market in the mid-range segments, which now account for the bulk  of finished garment consumption.

Reflecting the diversity of global sourcing: At a time when the search for new sources of supply is becoming essential,  Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris offers buyers an unrivalled diversity. The show  brings together not only the major players in global sourcing, such as China,  Turkey, India, Korea, Pakistan and Taiwan, but also suppliers from alternative  zones with rich expertise, such as Malaysia, Singapore, the UK, Vietnam, the  Netherlands, Africa – a dozen companies from Ethiopia, Rwanda, Egypt and  Benin will be in Paris in February – and South America. For the first time this  year, Texworld will be welcoming an Argentinian woollen manufacturer – Industrias Textiles Frione – which offers a range of top-quality fabrics while  promoting manufacturing processes that are particularly environmentally  friendly.

Texpertise Econogy: initiatives to promote sustainable fashion: As part of its commitment to more responsible fashion, Messe Frankfurt is  supporting players who respect the ecological and social standards of the textile  industry. At the entrance to Hall 4, the new ‘Initiatives’ zone will be showcasing  inspiring and sustainable solutions promoted by some exhibitors. This area  (where you’ll find press and partner stands, events and trend forums) will also  host the China Textile Information Centre‘s trend forum, as well as the  Texpertise Econogy Hub, where Messe Frankfurt will be presenting its  commitments to sustainability in the textile sector through the Texpertise  Econogy concept, which combines ecology and economic development.

As part of this initiative, two Econogy Tours will enable visitors to discover what  a selection of certified companies can offer. These guided tours, led by a  specialist in the sustainable approach, will be offered on Monday 10 February  (12.30pm-1.30pm) and Tuesday 11 February (10am-11am) to buyers who wish  to take part. Appointments are scheduled at the Econogy Hub counter.

Conferences, trends and forecasts: To complement the product offering, a series of events and conferences will be taking place. Held in the Agora in Hall 2, they will explore market trends and  prospects in detail. Louis Gérin, the shows’ artistic director, will be commenting  on “Neocene”, the Trendbook for the Spring-Summer 2026 season, focusing on  the creative directions that will shape the fashion of tomorrow. Several  conferences will provide an insight into the business models of manufacturers  such as Wellfabric – Bao Lan Textiles, one of the pioneers of sustainable textiles  in Vietnam, and the African platform Arise IIP, present at Apparel Sourcing.  Finally, there will be round-table discussions on forward-looking issues such as  fast fashion and the challenges of sustainability in terms of production and  sourcing. They will also look at solutions to support the ecological transition  (Econogy Talks), as well as innovation and management challenges. These  conferences, which will take place on Monday and Tuesday, are free to attend.

Buyers and visitors can still apply for their passes by following this link.

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