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Soak Wash – Some warehouses are worth the wait!

by Underlines

Soak Wash Inc’s UK based warehouse is up and running and orders are flowing. The Soak team set out to create a seamless, local purchasing experience for their UK based stockists and they have delivered. Retailers are raving about the quick turnaround, easy to use ecommerce space and the great customer service from head office. “Fast delivery and high-quality products.” was how one satisfied shop owner characterised their new Soak ordering experience.

Soak partnered with Faire.com to create a clean and simple platform. Stockists can easily sign up, order and track their shipments, in record time. Inventory is also visible, so there is transparency on stock availability and order tracking from purchase to delivery. Soak sales agents can also easily navigate the platform, creating an all-around win after recent challenges with local distributors.

Stockists who are new to Faire.com, when signing up via Soak’s direct link here, are eligible for 60-day payment terms, 50% off their first order up to GBP150, and free shipping with Soak for an entire year.


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