by Underlines

This Friday we catch up with Sophie Charlesworth, Founder of Enerji Lingerie, the world’s first crystal energy lingerie. At only 30, she has brought her vision into blurring the lines between lingerie & wellness, with garments seamlessly infused with the power of crystals for everyday benefits and well-being. Sophie will be showing her collection to wholesale for the first time this July at the Wonderland Show in London.

Life before Enerji?

Before founding Enerji, I worked in the beauty and wellness industry. My experience in these fields has given me a deep appreciation for products that not only look good but also make people feel good.

Your proudest moment to date?

My proudest moment to date was launching Enerji and receiving an overwhelmingly positive response! It’s been so rewarding to see my hard work and vision being recognised and appreciated.

Your biggest mistake?

One of my biggest mistakes was initially trying to do everything myself instead of building a strong team from the beginning. I learned the hard way that having the right people around you is crucial for growth and success!

Why the world of lingerie…? Tell us more about your brand…

The world of lingerie has always fascinated me because it combines my passion for art, luxury design and female empowerment. It’s often overlooked as just an item of clothing, but exquisitely crafted lingerie is so much more than that, it can truly transform how you look and feel about yourself. With Enerji, I saw an opportunity to innovate in this space, to create something that wasn’t just about beautiful aesthetics but could truly empower women on a deeply personal level. Through our unique interchangeable crystal pendants, our garments serve as bespoke tools to empowerment, allowing every woman to tailor her lingerie specifically to her unique goals and aspirations, so she not just feels confident and beautiful, but centred and in control. Enerji’s mission is to empower women to achieve their full potential and create a life they truly love.

What is different about working in this sector?

Unlike other fashion fields, luxury lingerie is unique in that it demands an intricate balance of artistry, technical precision and understanding of women’s needs. It’s not just about making beautiful garments; it’s about designing pieces that truly enhance their self-esteem, confidence, and sense of inner strength. This mix of art, craftsmanship, and empowerment makes working in the lingerie industry truly special and incredibly rewarding.

A Typical Week

A typical week in my life involves a mix of creative and operational tasks. I spend time brainstorming new designs, strategising with marketing and PR teams, managing my social media, and packing customer orders from my home in London. Self care is a big part of my life so I always prioritise things that keep me balanced such as morning jogs through the park, journalling and quality time with friends and family. Every week brings a new learning curve, and running Enerji definitely keeps me on my toes, but working on something I’m so passionate about makes every busy day worthwhile!

Those Special Moments in your career

Special moments in my career include receiving heartfelt feedback from customers and friends who felt more confident and empowered wearing Enerji’s lingerie. Another highlight was shooting my first campaign with a small team of incredible female artists that shared my passion for creating beautiful and empowering brand imagery. From the selection of the perfect model to the stunning location and seamless teamwork, every element fell into place so perfectly it was a real pinch me moment!

If you were not working in intimate apparel, then what do you think you would have done instead?

If I were not working in intimate apparel, I believe I would still be involved in the wellness industry, perhaps focusing on holistic health products. My passion lies in helping people feel their best, both inside and out.

Any idea where you will be in 10 years time? Any plans for further extension into other clothing or accessories?

In 10 years, I envision Enerji being the go-to brand in lingerie for those who prioritise wellness, luxury and style. Our goal is not just to sell lingerie, but to encourage a movement of health, wellness, and self-empowerment within the industry. We have plans to expand into other areas, including home and wellness accessories, to offer a more comprehensive lifestyle brand.

What is your greatest challenge?

The journey of designing and creating my first collection was filled with challenges. I went through several designs, fabrics, and suppliers before finalising my collection, which then took months of meticulous work, perfecting every aspect of the garment through rigorous trials, tests, and adjustments to ensure the final fit, feel, and aesthetic were nothing short of perfection. Although it was a long and challenging process, I’m incredibly proud of my final collections. To me, they are the epitome of luxury lingerie, and perfectly capture the essence of Enerji.

The one product you cannot live without?

The one product I cannot live without is my Citrine crystal pendant. Citrine is known as the stone of success, joy and abundance and it’s my go-to accessory for attracting positive energy, boosting my mood, and staying focused on my goals!

Time out 

When I’m not working on Enerji I love spending time with family and friends, being outdoors, and travelling to new places. Whether it’s exploring nature or discovering new cities, seeing different cultures and landscapes really inspires me – It all fuels my creativity and passion for creating beautiful, empowering lingerie that celebrates the beauty of nature and women worldwide!

Pet Hate

My pet hate is a lack of attention to detail. Whether it’s in product design or customer service, I believe that the little details make a big difference and can elevate an experience from good to exceptional!



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