Home ProductsAthleisure & Sportswear Active Apparel Group Commits to Decarbonisation Programme

Active Apparel Group Commits to Decarbonisation Programme

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Manufacturer of activewear and swimwear, Active Apparel Group (AAG), has committed to a structured approach in reducing its environmental impact across its global operations through an Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS, built using the ISO14001 Standard Framework, incorporates key environmental policy commitments and has set targets and strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations across China, Australia and USA. The Group produces activewear for over 25 global activewear brands.

Through a third-party audit of its greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), AAG has identified the following areas of focus to reduce impacts:

  • Reduction in Scope 1 energy use
  • Reduction in air freight
  • Reduction in water usage across the business
  • Ongoing collection and management of production waste
  • Increased use of sustainable materials
  • Continued collection of GHG data for ongoing improvement

AAG has set time-bound and measurable goals in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. We know the majority of the fashion industry’s emissions occur in the supply chain. As manufacturers, we take on this responsibility – we want to not only reduce our own operational emissions but enable our customers to understand and manage their own Scope 3 emissions. We want to be part of the solution in moving the industry towards a decarbonised future,”

Daniel Hawker, CEO of AAG


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