by Underlines

This Friday we have the pleasure of speaking with Andrew Goodacre, CEO of the British Independent Retailers’ Association (BIRA). This Association has been at the forefront of representing and supporting independent retailers since 1899.  This self-effacing CEO and true gentleman has been at the helm of BIRA since 2018 and although modest about his successes, he is a real ‘warrior’ in the interests of independent retailers right across the country. He has been integral in pushing forward independent retailers and showcasing the importance of them being at the very heart of every good high street throughout the UK and a vital part of life and the economy within local communities.

 Your background prior to BIRA?  

I have been lucky to have two careers. On leaving university I joined Scottish and Newcastle Breweries and stayed 24 years in the hospitality sector, working primarily on the retail side (yes, pubs are in effect retail). I had a great time, learned a lot but wanted to do something different. So in 2009 I joined the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and so began my career in the world of associations. Eventually I became the BIRA CEO in 2018 and have never looked back. I love associations – we enable hard working business owners to succeed. I also love the dynamism of retail and high streets, so in many ways this is a perfect combination.

Trials, tribulations and triumphs in your working life?

I have been working  now for almost 40 years and I have been so lucky because I think I have only experienced 18 months when I did not look forward to working. The triumphs for me always come down to seeing people succeed. Whether it is giving young people opportunities and seeing them blossom, or knowing that we are helping businesses to succeed. Every success is a real triumph.

What do you most enjoy about your work?

 The sectors I have worked in – hospitality and retail- are all about people. Therefore I most enjoy meeting people and listening to their stories. I have always enjoyed seeing people succeed and getting their rewards for hard work.

A typical week?

We are based in Birmingham but I find myself in London at least once a week, meeting with government departments and officials to discuss the needs of indie retailers. As CEO there are lots of meetings and disappointingly a lot of admin, but that comes with the job. Ideally I like to visit members and high streets to better understand the challenges they face

Whom do you admire in the retail industry?

 I admire every single one of our members. Retailing is tough and very competitive. Running your own business is risky, with no guaranteed income. Yet, despite the challenges of the past few years alone, these people still find the energy to do it all over again!

What would you like to see change on behalf of indie retailers?

Every member would tell me that they want to see the end of business rates and we have done a lot in this respect by bringing in the retail discount. Personally I would like to stop people writing off high streets and shops because people and communities need them for their own wellbeing.

Proudest moment to date? 

 I have 2 daughters who make me feel proud every day with what they have done with their lives. In terms of work, becoming CEO for the first time was special and not something I would have expected 40 years ago.

Your greatest challenge?

I am actually quite a shy person and humble. Yet I find myself in a high profile position which I really enjoy. My challenge is to work out of my natural comfort zone and do my absolute best for independent retailers.

 Biggest regret if you have one?

 I try not to regret anything. However there is a what if moment, that was 26 years ago when I thought about emigrating to Australia (having been there for my honeymoon). I do wonder what would have happened. 

Time out?

Spending time with the family (I became a grandfather last year), walking, running (not too far!) and sport.

 Pet Hate?

 Hypocrisy, arrogance.


If you would like more information on the Association and the benefits of membership click the link here. BIRA offer a host of services – everything from debt recovery and legal assistance, financial planning and loans to shopfitting and utilities.


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