The whole debate was given impetus by the motion (which was carried) of delegates of the Society of Radiographer at their annual conference (being held from 16-18 April). The delegates call on the Treasury to axe the tax, claiming it disportionately affects women and could be considered discriminatory under the Equality Act.

Panache Sport (specialists in larger cup sizing)
According to the motion, presented to delegates on Tuesday 16 April, the removal of the “tampon tax” in January 2021 is an example of one such situation where VAT was removed from products related to women’s physical health.
Increased bra costs discourage women from buying well-fitted bras, they added, and poor-fitting bras can cause physical pain. Diagnostic Radiographers carry out X-rays, MRI and CT scans, which can be used to identify the musculoskeletal problems caused by poorly fitted bras. The delegates added:
While there may not be any health conditions related to wearing a bra, there could be some musculoskeletal (MSK) ones, particularly if you wear a larger cup size.
Those who are wearing a bra size D or above often get backaches, aching shoulders and neck pain, because of the weight of their breasts. Wearing a good-quality, well-fitted bra could alleviate some of these issues, and reduce time off sick for MSK issues.
The NHS website already states women who suffer from breast pain should ‘wear a properly fitted bra during the day and a soft bra to sleep in’.
And the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy advises women:
Wearing the correct size bra will mean you will look great, be well supported and ward off unnecessary discomfort. It is important to check your bra size annually and make changes if necessary. “
Delegates at the SoR conference likened bras to menstrual products as a necessity, which should therefore not be subject to VAT. In January, VAT on period pants was dropped following a two-year campaign by brands, retailers, women’s groups and environmentalists dating back to 2021, when the so-called ‘tampon tax’ was dropped from other period products such as pads, tampons and menstrual cups.
Women who have had breast cancer surgery – whether a mastectomy, partial mastectomy or lumpectomy – are exempt from VAT when buying certain bras.
Our very own Julie Blanche, owner of The Bra Consultancy, appeared on GB News with Isabel and Eamon just yesterday to talk about the motion for exemption from VAT on bra sales. You can see the full interview here.
The Editor of Underlines Magazine would love to hear your views, please email Pamela on