Home ProductsLegwear Snag Launches Tights to Show Their Support to the People of Ukraine – All Proceeds Going To UNICEF

Snag Launches Tights to Show Their Support to the People of Ukraine – All Proceeds Going To UNICEF

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The size inclusive clothing brand Snag, along with their fantastically supportive customer-base (known as ‘Snagglers’) are using their large community-led platform to show their support to the people of Ukraine.

Like the whole world, we’ve been following Russia’s devastating invasion of Ukraine with absolute horror, and like so many others, thought what can we do to help?”

Initially, we sent our less than perfect pairs of tights to Ukraine, along with as much medical supplies, batteries, necessities, and pet food as we could get our hands on. Then Sam, in our warehouse had a brilliant idea – what if we did a pair of Ukraine coloured duos? These would be a great way for Snagglers show their support and raise money to help the people living through this tragedy.”

Snag wanted to take it a step further than simply sharing their support on socials and sending supplies, by firstly asking their extremely supportive Snaggler community to donate and share the message, as well as giving them an opportunity to show their support on their legs.

All the money Snag make from this  will be donated to help the people of Ukraine via UNICEF.

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