Home Industry Paint the Town Red with Harlette

Paint the Town Red with Harlette

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Harlette have just released the #BritBrolly, a long stroller brolly with a curved handle for walking the streets with pride. The well-crafted luxury accessory handmade in London is available in two options: the Jack, featuring the Union Jack, and the Stewart, featuring Red Stewart Tartan. #BritBrolly is a companion to Harlette’s new book series, Yacht Stories.

Harlette are also looking for seed investment for their Biomarker for Sweat Technology, which has been in R&D since 2016, with United States and Sweden being given the first order of nano sensors. Harlette are working on adapting these to work with sweat for the sensor of Breast Cancer Premature Babies and High Performance Sport Indicators. The company presented their first paper on this research in Boulder at the Sub Orbital Conference in March 2020 and have submitted a grant application into the UK Government for work with a UK university to complete the industrial research.

In addition Harlette have worked with the UN ITU in Geneva as Sub Orbital Telecommunication subject matter expert as part of the research into Space Telecommunication for Space Tourism, with two papers being published with the UK Defence Sub Committee in UK Parliament in 2020 and 2021. Harlette are looking for partners to take the company to IPO to commercialise the Industrial Research.

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