Home Industry Friday Insight – How to build loyalty and keep customers coming back again and again

Friday Insight – How to build loyalty and keep customers coming back again and again

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Traditionally loyalty has come from delivering an exceptional experience at the point of transaction and incentivising repeat purchases with rewards; but as virtual platforms expand, giving consumers even greater insight into businesses and what they stand for long before the decision to spend their money is made, the opportunity to build brand loyalty starts way ahead of a customer walking through the door or clicking to order. Planning out a user experience considerate of every touchpoint a customer has with your business – from an online enquiry to going home with a bag of gorgeous lingerie – plays a fundamental part in building awareness, like and trust. And, ultimately, converting browsers into buyers.

Here are three ways to build loyalty and keep customers coming back again and again:

Focus on communication

The ways in which customers connect with us now are many, from social media DM’s, comments on posts, email enquiries, phone calls, WhatsApp or texts, to outward messages you share via blogs and newsletters. Without monitoring every channel every moment of the day, it’s easy to miss a message and accidentally let a customer down.

To build strong relationships from the start, set expectations by letting customers know exactly when they’ll hear from you. Free up time by choosing one preferred communication method then engage auto-responders across all platforms that immediately notify customers to know when you’ll respond, or if their enquiry should be redirected via an alternative channel for a more efficient reply.

To deepen your reputation for reliability, adopt the same approach for sharing newsletters and blog posts, or communicating order status consistently too. Delivering on your promise to publish a blog on the first Tuesday of the month, send a newsletter every Friday afternoon, or receive a delivery update within the week conditions customers to actively look out for you and goes a long way to show you are a trusted expert in what you do.

Make it relatable

Sharing the real stories behind your business, especially when they’re relatable to customers’ own experiences, cultivates likeability through shared empathy. Perhaps you had a bad bra fitting and wanted to re-shape how it could be done, or maybe the lingerie styles you longed for were missing from the local offering. There are many people out there in the same position and by showing they’re not alone you naturally attract an audience with shared values. And, once you deliver on your promise (to find them the perfect fitting t-shirt bra, or dress them in a matching lingerie set that makes them feel secure and confident), not only will they become a loyal customer, but they’ll become a walking advocate for your services. And that’s advertising money just can’t buy.

Don’t forget to ask for feedback

Collecting testimonials from customers is gold. Sending a simple email after every fitting or asking someone to fill in a short form while they relax with refreshments before leaving the fitting room captures their true experience while it’s fresh in mind. Not only will customer commentary help you stay informed of their needs, shape business decisions, and demonstrate to future customers what it’s really like to work with you, but positive feedback is extremely uplifting for you and your team too.

In an era of instant gratification, capturing customers’ attention amid the never-ending flow of posts, emails and adverts is no easy task. But when your most original and genuine content comes directly from real-life people in the form of testimonials and personal stories, and when your unique user experience is delivered with care and consistency, you’ll make strides in standing out from the crowd and build a loyal fanbase that stays with you for life.

If you have a question, or need help navigating a challenge in your business and would like to discuss consultancy or mentoring options, write to me at hello@sarahconnelly.co.uk

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