Home IndustryInterviews Creating a business during a pandemic – ELAN Lingerie

Creating a business during a pandemic – ELAN Lingerie

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Next in our series of new special features, we speak to Jemima Ellis, founder of ELAN Lingerie, who started her business just on the cusp of the pandemic in early 2020. She was inspired to create feminine post-surgical bras after her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016 (and after many failed shopping trips with her!). Jemima took advice from industry experts over the past 18 months to design, develop and create a range of 3 pocketed bra styles and 2 briefs made in sustainable bamboo fabric, which is a first in the sector. Jemima and her brand have already been shortlisted for industry awards and all whilst she still holds down another full-time job!

What did you do before launching the brand?

My background is in Fashion Media and Marketing! This is what I spent 3 years studying at degree level up until the age of 21. Prior to this though I did a 2-year course in Fashion Textile Design so I learnt a fair bit then about design and the technical elements to creating a garment. I have always loved fashion, from a very young age and always had a particular love for intimate apparel.

How did the brand start and when did you start working on it?

When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016 (during my final year of uni) and had to undergo a mastectomy as part of her treatment, I was introduced to the world (the very boring world) of post-surgery bras. I was shocked at the lack of choice. I saw a huge gap in the market that infuriated me and fired something up within me to do something about it.  My mother struggled to find something pretty and fun, something that made her feel like herself again. There were no sustainable options on the market either which raised concerns for me too.

This was when the idea of ELAN first came about and after a number of years, lots of research, focus groups and learning I decided to take the plunge and go for it! I officially launched the online store in April 2021 after about 18 months of developing designs and ideas during covid which did prove rather tricky at times!

What are the highlights of your collection?

All of ELAN’s lingerie is made using sustainable and ethically sourced bamboo. This makes our bras unbelievably soft – I’ve not felt anything softer yet! The bras all feature pocketed cups that can be worn with or without breast forms, they have no uncomfortable wires, instead thick supportive underbands which are so comfy for all day wear.

My favourite thing about ELAN’s bras is the gold hardware – especially the gorgeous heart sliders which took me months to source. I knew I had to have them as I thought they’d make the bras look extra special. Everyone loves the heart sliders!

Describe the person who wears your designs: what is their style?

An ELAN customer is on trend. She wants to feel confident and special in her lingerie. She’s quite casual but smart with her style and really appreciates the small details. An ELAN customer believes in buying high quality pieces rather than supporting fast fashion and wants to be an eco-conscious consumer too.

A Typical Week in your life

Typically I would be speaking with my factory on a daily basis for updates on production, making decisions on last minute alterations to things and negotiating time frames with them. Planning social media posts, gathering content and writing copy for posts takes up a lot of time! Talking to customers on our live chat function, helping them work out what size would be best for them or emailing customers to offer advice and help. Have a check on my figures and working out potential promotions and offers that might improve sales and plotting them in on the calendar. I like to refresh and check in on the website too and I’m always looking at ways to make it more user friendly for my customers.

Your proudest moment to date?

One of my proudest moments has to be most recently when I was shortlisted for two separate awards. I have been shortlisted for GBEA’s ‘Young Entrepreneur Award’ which was amazing and I can’t wait to attend the awards ceremony to see if I have been lucky enough to win! Secondly, my nomination for ‘Best UK Startup’ by Start Ups Magazine. That was amazing and I’m so proud to have been nominated for both of those awards. It makes all the hard work so worth it.

Aside from this, it has to be the feedback I get from very happy customers. I recently had feedback from a 67-year-old customer who had not felt comfortable or confident in her body since her mastectomy. She purchased the Charlotte set and very shortly after sending the order off I received the most amazing pictures from her. She had felt confident enough to do an ‘At Home’ photoshoot in her brand new lingerie and wanted to share the results with me!

Seeing her confidence really shine through in the photos and knowing that the lingerie had made her feel special again made the months of hard work and sleepless nights worth it. Hearing positive feedback from customers truly has to be the best part about running a business, it’s what you do it for!

Your next big challenge?

I would absolutely love to break into the swimwear market with ELAN and start offering pocketed bikinis as there is such a need for this! I have heard lots of feedback from women saying they’d love to see more fashionable post-surgery swimwear available so that is most certainly my next challenge. I also want to expand the size range too as we currently only go up to an F cup, I’d love to be more inclusive and offer a wider range of sizes too.

Your worst move so far?

Picking a factory that did not specialise in intimate apparel! That was a bad move. The nature of lingerie is that it is very specialist and often with intricate designs and features which really does need an expert eye. Some factories may over promise and say they can fulfil your production order even when they haven’t got the right expertise to do it properly! I made this mistake and learnt the hard way but I am absolutely delighted to say that I am now working with an incredible factory, Intimate Apparel Samples, who are total experts and have produced my collection so beautifully. I had a lucky escape but it’s a mistake I won’t make again, it could have cost me big time!

What do you hope to achieve?

I would like for ELAN to expand and offer a wide range of products in the future. This is such an overlooked area of the market and I have so many plans for breaking into swimwear and leisurewear too.

I would love to be successful enough to be able to dedicate all my time to ELAN as I’m currently working full-time elsewhere too! This does mean that I don’t get much downtime and I’m always juggling two jobs. It would be great to go full time with ELAN soon so I can expand a lot quicker!

What about time out?

Time out is so important, I really learnt that over the past 18 months or so. When things are going wrong in the business or I’m really struggling I do step away for a few days. It helps me to refocus and find the love again. It’s ok to not love your business every single second of every single day, there will be bad days and that’s ok! You have to allow yourself time to rest – I always come back more fired up and ready to go again!

I’m very lucky to have a gorgeous 2 year old cocker spaniel who is a great distraction when I need it. I’ll take him for a walk with my husband and I always feel much brighter and clearer. We are big foodies so love to go out for dinner, trying new local places or staying in and cooking together. I’m lucky enough to live in Devon so we are blessed with countless beautiful spots for walks and being by the sea always helps clear the mind.

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