Home Industry Welcome Back Fund

Welcome Back Fund

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A new £56 million “Welcome Back” fund will help England’s high streets and coastal towns safely reopen as coronavirus restrictions are eased ahead of the summer, the Government has announced.

The funding will allow councils to boost the “look and feel” of local areas and through improved green spaces, more outdoor seating areas as well as markets and pop-up food stalls. Among a package of measures unveiled by Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick, pubs will also be permitted to erect marquees in gardens for the whole summer.

Part of the funding pot will be specifically allocated for coastal areas, with all English seaside resorts to receive support, under the Government’s plans to help holidaymakers this year.

Under its road map out of England’s coronavirus restrictions, and subject to the ongoing assessment of coronavirus data, the Government aims to lift its “stay at home” order from March 29, with further gradual easing to follow.

Outdoor attractions, non-essential retail and some holiday lets could re-open after April 12 and most social contact restrictions could be lifted from June 21.

Mr Jenrick said: “As we move to the next stage on the roadmap out of lockdown we are all looking forward to being reunited with friends and family outdoors and making a safe and happy return to our favourite shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants.

“Our Welcome Back Fund gives every city, town and high street support to prepare for a great summer. This funding will help councils and businesses to welcome shoppers, diners and tourists back safely.

“As soon as the roadmap allows, we need to get behind our local businesses and enjoy all that this country has to offer and that we’ve been missing so much.”

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