Home IndustryInterviews The Brand View – Empreinte

The Brand View – Empreinte

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French brand, Empreinte, created in 1946, works on fit focused on larger cup sizes, innovation and exceptional comfort. Sylvain Piriou, Export Director, shares his views.



Have you experienced cancellation of orders from retailers and/or retailers?

Actually, not that much. Most of our SS20 had been shipped before the shutdown and the real challenge is to support our customers to ensure a good sell-out when shops will reopen. We are already working on the support we will offer.

If you have not had cancellations or goods have been shipped, have you had to extend your credit terms to those customers who have had to close their frontline business?

Yes, we have always been inclusive and flexible with our customers and we had many more requests to be supportive in this period. We are accustomed to handle every situation individually and we will continue this policy in the next weeks. However I would like to highlight the commitment of our customers in paying their bills and I thank them sincerely.

Have you been able to keep in touch with your own team (if they are not on furlough)? Have you any amusing anecdotes about everyone working from home amidst family, kids or animals?

Our team is on furlough in the UK but of course, we keep in touch to make sure everyone is safe (which is the case so far – fingers crossed)!

What role does social media play in either keeping touch with staff or consumers? (do you use Skype, Zoom …)

I started to use Zoom recently after one of my customers’ requests and found it very easy to use. We also use it with our team in North America. Communication is more necessary than ever in this period and all what we can improve it is to be recommended.

Have you had to take the heavy decision to cancel orders to your own suppliers?

Again, we work on a tailored basis and are constantly discussing with them to find the best alternative to cancellation. All our fabrics and components are coming from Europe so we can take advantage of short delivery lead times, therefore our supply chain is quite flexible and can be adjusted in real time. Moreover, we have been transparent on the situation, it certainly helped them to lower the risk. Suppliers have to be supported as well, some of them already were in a difficult place before the crisis, it is our common responsibility to preserve this European heritage.

How are dealing with developments for upcoming seasons – SS2021 or AW2021 Obviously trade fairs are now postponed to August/September…will you be able to have virtual showrooms with your customers?

Virtual showrooms are not our priority as we rely on our salesforce to maintain physical presentation. However, if it is required by our customers, we will adapt our organisation to match with our customers’ needs and possibilities.Again it is quite hard to predict the new environment we will find after this crisis, it seems to us very important to collect retailers’ feedback as soon as will restart the activity.

Do you feel well informed and how do you feel the British government has responded to business needs e.g. job retention scheme, business interruption loan, etc..?

Yes. The British Government website is full of interesting information regarding assistance and help you can benefit from i.e. HR management, loan, grant or tax reliefs. The reaction to face future economic issues has been immediate and is updated daily, which is spectacular considering the critical health situation which is obviously the priority.

 Have you had opportunities to talk to professional bodies about your own situation?

Not really so far. It will come in a second phase, it is sure the industry will have to gather together to face future challenges – we are all in the same boat!

With pause for thought during this crisis, do you envisage substantial changes in the way you run this post-Covid-19?

We have different options already on the table and we continue to build the appropriate response. We will certainly contact our customers to get their opinion and adapt according to their point of view. If we can face upcoming challenges collectively, it will reinforce the links between brands and retailers and that will be the positive side of this crisis….

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