Home IndustryShops The Independents’ View – Perfect Fit

The Independents’ View – Perfect Fit

by Underlines

Perfect Fit of Keynsham is now owned and managed by Debbie French since 2016. It has been a successful business since 1991.

When did you close your shop?

I closed “Perfect Fit” on Monday March 23rd 2020.I have to think of my staff health and I also have asthma.

Do you currently have a website for online sales (and if not, are you developing one now?)

No and do not intend to, I feel that you would lose the fit, I enjoy meeting my customers face to face, and to be honest you would not appreciate that online.

How are you retaining your customer loyalty whilst your shop is closed?

I have emailed my customer base, I also have a  Facebook & Instagram page which I can interact with them, they were supportive of me closing to keep myself & staff safe.

Do you use social media already to keep in touch with customers? Are you considering adding any new media such as Skype, Zoom to keep in touch and do online appointments?

Yes, they can contact me through Facebook or Instagram.

Are you still doing any private appointments?

No, as you would not be able to keep a safe distance.

In your enforced leave from your business, do you think you are being well enough informed by national government?

Yes, I have a very good accountant that is on hand if needed, but to be honest the government has been good at putting a lot of information on their website which I signed up for.

Have you had difficulties accessing or getting information on the Business Interruption Loan?

Well to be honest I would not go down that line unless absolutely needed, so have not even tried.

Can you take advantage for yourself and/or any full or part time staff of the Job Retention Scheme?

Yes, as of April 6th I have just furloughed my six employees & myself.

Where do you think small independents can put their energy to future-proof their business e.g. digital assets, niche products and your ‘public’ image to customers?

I have a very loyal customer base and have been trading for 28yrs now, people know where we are. They come from all over the country as well as other countries just to get fitted by “Perfect Fit” which speaks volumes in itself. I think it is always good to advertise one way or the other to make sure they people do not forget, but to be honest most of our customers are from word of mouth.

Would you consider doing an online poll with your customers, running stories to keep them occupied and asking them what they would like to see in your store when it re-opens?

No not really, I would probably just say what is happening when the shop is open again & maybe have an offer to encourage people back.

Have you been using your ‘face’ as the face of the business online?

No, as we have always classed ourselves as a team.

Has this crisis given you food for thought and inspired new creativity now you actually have more time to analyse?

Well I think it definitely have, I have painted the shop and office to keep myself busy as well as keeping my bookwork in order.

Have you any initiatives for special deliveries to charity or to the medical profession?

I have always supported NHS by offering 10% off, and always happy to help where I can.

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