Home IndustryShops The Independents’ View – Foundations of Nantwich

The Independents’ View – Foundations of Nantwich

by Underlines

Foundations of Nantwich is owned by Karen Flannery and Kate Hinton who took over the long standing business in 2015. Foundations closed its doors on Monday 23rd March and it does not have a transactional website.

How are you retaining your customer loyalty whilst your shop is closed?

We’ve updated our non-selling website, kept the phone connected to our mobiles so we don’t miss any calls, posting non-salesy things on our social media so that our customers don’t forget about us and written an update about where we are on our News page on our website.

Do you use social media already to keep in touch with customers?

Yes, we don’t want our customers to go elsewhere when this eventually ends.

Are you considering adding any new media such as Skype, Zoom to keep in touch and do online appointments?

No, as we are all furloughed we’re keeping away from selling as don’t want to get into any trouble.

In your enforced leave from your business, do you think you are being well enough informed by national government?


Have you had difficulties accessing or getting information on the Business Interruption Loan?


Can you take advantage for yourself and/or any full or part time staff of the Job Retention Scheme?

Yes, we’re all furloughed but yet to have the money…

If you are still selling (online or at a distance) have you noticed any trends towards soft and unstructured garments (as opposed to fitted corsetry)?

A few ladies have contacted us directly and yes, mostly for non-wired, but also sports. I think the daily exercise is getting them into good habits.

Where do you think small independents can put their energy to future-proof their business e.g. digital assets, niche products and your ‘public’ image to customers?

Online and if we were OK to do so, we would absolutely offer zoom appointments.

Would you consider doing an online poll with your customers, running stories to keep them occupied and asking them what they would like to see in your store when it re-opens?

I think I will do this! I’m keeping the stories going with generic content on life in lockdown.

Have you been using your ‘face’ as the face of the business online?

Yes in the past, but not during this pandemic.

Has this crisis given you food for thought and inspired new creativity now you actually have more time to analyse?

Yes, the website is looking cleaner and fresher, we absolutely need updated business images to use. Need to analyse sales to cut down on suppliers as we know we have too many.

Have you any initiatives for special deliveries to charity or to the medical profession?

No, but we will! Great idea.

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