Home Industry The Brand View – Anita

The Brand View – Anita

by Underlines

Starting today Underlines Magazine runs a series of features, speaking to brands and suppliers about the challenges their business faces and their responses to their customers, a great majority of whom are now closed. Jemma Barnes is Managing Director of Anita UK.

Have you experienced cancellation of orders from retailers and/or retailers?

Yes. That was to be expected with the store closures and the uncertainty of when the stores will be able to reopen, it is not in anyone’s interests to have a closed shop full of goods they cannot sell, so we will continue to work with them as much as possible and make sure when they do need deliveries we will be ready to go and help them meet demand.

If you have not had cancellations or goods have been shipped, have you had to extend your credit terms to those customers who have had to close their frontline business?

Yes, we need to be more flexible and try to support retailers through these tough times as much as we can.

Have you been able to keep in touch with your own team (if they are not on furlough)? Have you any amusing anecdotes about everyone working from home amidst family, kids or animals?

We are in touch but only socially… amusing anecdotes – too many to mention! But one relevant if not too rude?? If in these times of mask shortages should you decide to improvise and make a mask out of your bra, make sure you use the left cup… no one wants to go out looking like a right tit!! I can also confirm Serina had a new grandson called Leo.

What role does social media play in either keeping touch with staff or consumers? (do you use Skype, Zoom…)

Not in a professional capacity within the UK, as all staff are furloughed. Office lines remain open with remaining staff on hand to offer advice. However our sales meeting in Germany was due in the second half of April, that will now take place via Zoom.

Have you had to take the heavy decision to cancel orders to your own suppliers?

As Anita own our own factories and produce all our own goods we can constantly adapt – but we would expect reduced production schedules for new collections. I think changes to fabric orders may be too late – but are under review wherever possible.

How are you dealing with developments for upcoming seasons – SS2021 or AW2021? Obviously trade fairs are now postponed to August/September…will you be able to have virtual showrooms with your customers?

We can if required – but we don’t anticipate a real need for this. We fully expect buyers to take time and consideration to see how their trade recovers and look at demand before committing to orders and as such feel the new show dates will still be early enough.

Do you feel well informed and how do you feel the British government has responded to business needs e.g. job retention scheme, business interruption loan etc?

Yes, we have been pleased with the support offered – the information seems to be there if you look in the right places and understand the need for some patience with so many people and businesses affected. It’s a mammoth task for the government to coordinate all these things and their first priority has to be healthcare and the immediate needs of the sick and hospitalised. I am confident the help promised will come through.

Have you had opportunities to talk to professional bodies about your own situation?

We have no need yet.

With pause for thought during this crisis, do you envisage substantial changes in the way you run this post-Covid-19?

Not especially – as a business we have managed to keep open and to keep a chain of supply throughout the pandemic, mostly because of our commitments to the NHS for emergency products for breast cancer surgeries. We have all had to make some compromises and needed people to show some understanding and patience, but people have been incredibly understanding, and we appreciate that. But in light of the risk to life, the compromises we have made have been minor and the interruptions to our service have been minimal.

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