Home IndustryInterviews The Independents’ View – Bellus Amor

The Independents’ View – Bellus Amor

by Underlines

Next in Underlines’ series of interviews with independent lingerie shops, is Bellus Amor of Hartlepool, opened in 2018 and owned by Amy Hanlon.

Saturday 21st March was my last day of trading from the boutique (2 years to the day that I opened funnily enough). I made the decision prior to the government enforcing this as I felt the time was right in order to fully comply with social distancing to protect myself, my family and my community.

Do you currently have a website for online sales?

I have a website but not one that offers customers the opportunity to purchase from. I’m passionate about bricks and mortar and keeping the high street alive, I believe nothing is more effective in this industry than giving your customers an experience and a service so they will want to return. I accept my turnover will reduce in the forthcoming months but adding an online sales account to my business is not the avenue I want to go down.

How are you retaining your customer loyalty whilst your shop is closed?

I am still continuing to answer calls, emails and messages. Social media has been a huge asset to my business since I opened and I am actively using this daily to communicate with my customers both loyal and new.

Do you use social media already to keep in touch with customers? Are you considering adding any new media such as Skype, Zoom to keep in touch and do online appointments?

I currently have a Facebook and Instagram Account which I’m active on daily and customer engagement is high. I’ve noticed a rise in the statistical figures of views and reactions to my posts more so since lockdown as I think modern day society is focused a lot on technology and people turn to their phones and social media to pass time.

Once things have settled into more of a routine and staying home becomes more normal (because I do feel this is going to be a long process which will last months), it’s inevitable that people will be wanting to take part in events even if were tuning in from home. So I do plan to look into technology more and other social media apps (purely to keep contact not to carry out fitting this way).

Are you still doing any private appointments?

No. Although I would love to be continuing the growth of my customer base right now, given that a bra fitting is close contact I made the decision when closing not to do any appointments. Customers who have already been fitted by me have purchased the same bra but in another colour and new customers who have contacted me have purchased gift vouchers which will be redeemable once the doors to the boutique are back open.

In your enforced leave from your business, do you think you are being well enough informed by national government?

Yes. Although long winded and sometimes not a direct answer to the question that can be quickly found, there is plenty of information being published. I have subscribed to the daily updates on the GOV website and receive around 5-12 emails a day each time the government publish new information. I am eligible for the £10k small business grant which certainly won’t cover all overheads but given that some countries haven’t offered any financial support to businesses, it is a step in the right direction. For me personally the lack of support has come from insurance providers and banks who are a nightmare to make contact with.

Have you had difficulties accessing or getting information on the Business Interruption Loan?

At present I’m in a situation to not need to apply for a loan but given how long it has taken me to contact the bank for other reasons, I feel for those who will need to rely on a business interruption loan.

Can you take advantage for yourself and/or any full or part time staff of the Job Retention Scheme?

Unfortunately not. Bellus Amor is a limited company with myself as sole director. If I was to furlough myself to be reimbursed with 80% of my salary from the government scheme I would not be able to continue with my daily duties for the business. I still need to communicate with suppliers and customers even if I’m not actively selling!

If you are still selling (online or at a distance) have you noticed any trends towards soft and unstructured garments (as opposed to fitted corsetry)?

Not as of yet, but I have personally been wear testing more non wired bras ready for the queries as I do expect people to start asking soon.

Would you consider doing an online poll with your customers, running stories to keep them occupied and asking them what they would like to see in your store when it re-opens?

Yes, this is certainly something I am looking at but feel like it’s a job for further into the lockdown period.

Have you been using your ‘face’ as the face of the business online?

Yes. Since the day I opened I have always been the face of the business and customers love the personal one to one service I offer. I have gained a strong and loyal customer base which I think was evidenced in my win of the Excellence & Outstanding Achievement award last year.

Whilst part of my yearly plan for 2020 was to employ another staff member as the business was growing from strength to strength, given the current situation and the uncertainty of how business will develop even after the virus this plan will now be dismissed and I will continue to be the face of Bellus Amor.

Has this crisis given you food for thought and inspired new creativity now you actually have more time to analyse?

These are very uncertain and worrying times for many right now and the future is so unpredictable… As much as the job retention scheme is great, I also think large scale businesses whom have already displayed their struggles to survive over the previous couple of years will take a significant hit and people will sadly lose their jobs. I believe we may see a rise in entrepreneurship.

I think every person running a business is trying to think outside the box. For me personally, in my home we both run our own businesses so we are taking a huge financial impact which reflects every aspect of our lives.

Have you any initiatives for special deliveries to charity or to the medical profession?

Supporting our local food banks is always something I have done anyway. One charity I am more than ever looking at supporting more during this challenging time is domestic abuse charities as it absolutely breaks my heart to think there are ladies and men not safe at home right now!

I have also relaunched my ‘Bra Jar Scheme’ which is similar to a saving scheme individualised for each customer. My loyal customers take advantage of this regularly during usual trading times but since relaunch last week I have even had new customers who have not yet visited the boutique participate!

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