Sarah Liegmann has been a kickboxer since she was 11 and has signed up as the ‘face’ of Anita sports bras. Commenting on her role with the company Sarah said: “”I really look forward to participating in our joint projects. I’ve already tested some of Anita’s active products and I think they’re great! “.
When this young athlete finishes school next year, she plans to make the move into professional boxing. Clemens Friemel, Anita’s Marketing and Sales Director, commented on the partnership: “After our experience with our previous ambassador, professional boxer Christina Hammer, we have already gained experience in the field of martial arts. Sarah is a very ambitious young woman and is passionate about her sport. Like Christina, Sarah will compete in all fights with an Anita sports bra. We are hoping she will help to spread awareness of Anita Active products also to a younger demographic.”
Anita’s high-performance active sports bras offer maximum support and an excellent fit. Materials specially developed for Anita provide excellent support while offering breathable and moisture-regulating functions.Before a new product is introduced, the company engages in extensive testing and all articles are developed by Anita in Germany.