Home Industry Senselle by Felina obtains BSCI certificate 

Senselle by Felina obtains BSCI certificate 

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Senselle by Felina, a lingerie ready garment producer in Belarus, has obtained the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) A-grade certificate. The European Lingerie Group (ELG) company is the first lingerie producer to obtain BSCI A-grade certificate in Belarus and also in the region, as no other lingerie producer in the neighbouring countries of Latvia and Lithuania has this level BSCI certificate.

“The main reason for obtaining the BSCI certificate for Senselle is transparency of our high standards of the working conditions within the supply chain, social compliance and achievements in business sustainability,” commented Peter Partma, CEO of European Lingerie Group. The BSCI audit results are shared in a common database, therefore potential customers can easily obtain information about the supplier’s workplace conditions. “Undoubtedly the certificate will raise the reputation of Senselle as a socially responsible business and offer more value to our customers,” added Mr. Partma.

BSCI unites over 1,000 companies around one common Code of Conduct and offers one single Implementation System that enable all companies sourcing all types of products from all geographies to collectively address the complex labour issues of their supply chain. The BSCI Code of Conduct is built on the most important international conventions protecting workers’ rights, notably the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Conventions and recommendations.

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