With a 57% increase in their visibility over the past year, Boux Avenue has taken the top spot in the market, a new report has revealed. La Senza recorded a 137% increase in visibility since moving to online-only UK sales Ann Summers recorded a 15% drop on 2017’s domain visibility.

Boux Avenue
The Lingerie Retailers Insight Report, produced by digital marketing specialists Inside Online, ranks 45 of the leading websites within this competitive market according to their online performance. The annual study reveals the successes and shortcomings of each website, highlighting where there is room for improvement.
Victoria Secret remains the most searched-for brand per month, with an owned social score of 134,280. Intimissimi is in second place for monthly brand searches with 1,220,000, and Ann Summers, La Senza and Yandy round out the top five. The social score considers followers and engaged conversations on all major social platforms. Ultimo have an impressive number of brand searches [110,000], however, this hasn’t translated to their owned social score [52] due to disjointed feeds, similar to Lascana, who also have high brand searches [110,000] but a lower owned score [39]. Despite a decrease in content on Facebook, Ann Summers has made great use of its feed, using regular links to their blog.
Links have always been a massive ranking factor and can make all the difference to how far up a brand appears on Google. Consistently gaining new high-quality links can be great for business, however, high-link volumes without the quality could spell trouble ahead. There are several sites with ‘high-quality, low-volume’ links, with Victoria’s Secret leading the way, but the stand-out was Bluebella for their fantastic link-building and PR-led content. Their ‘Dare to Bare’ campaign saw women walking around Oxford Circus in Bluebella underwear to celebrate body acceptance and promote London Fashion Week.
Gemma Curtis, Inbound Content Marketer at Inside Online, said: “Social media presence is more important than ever in today’s age of constant connectivity. In the lingerie market, there are some huge international players using their platforms to a whole new level, incorporating shoppable product, influencer and style inspiration posts. Instagram looks to be the platform of preference in this sector. The market leaders, Victoria’s Secret, have a massive 58.7 million Instagram followers – that’s almost double their Facebook audience. With the functionality of video and stories, it gives viewers a more personalised look at a brand. And, since the Facebook algorithm update, this may be a more accessible platform to display brand content going forward.”