by Underlines

It is with huge regret that Underlines announces the death of Roy Barnes, our friend and colleague of many years, on 9th March 2018 (born April 1951). Our thoughts are with his wife, Ann, and two sons, Richard and Andrew, who will carry on the successful business he created.

I met Roy nearly 30 years ago when he was working with Pauline Lewis representing the Gottex brand in the UK & Ireland. He had great experience in swimwear sales (at Speedo initially) but he and Gottex were the perfect marriage – a family company who mirrored Roy’s own close family. Of course as years passed he added other brands to his growing business including nightwear and underwear but Gottex was always a constant.

What set Roy apart for us was his unswerving loyalty, his friendship, his encouragement, his selflessness and good nature. He encouraged young people into the business, always open to what new talent could bring. He treated everyone fairly and took a genuine delight in other people’s success. However much more than this, I will remember his wicked sense of humour and his ready smile, his dislike of the pompous and his hands-on approach. He would truly never ask anyone to do anything he would not do.

We worked together on many projects over the years, most latterly the London Swimwear Show, something which Roy created from scratch and which will enter its 9th edition this summer, a lasting testament to his ability to include others unselfishly. I remember very clearly nearly 10 years ago his phone call outlining his ambition to create a showcase for swimwear managed by the swimwear brands themselves. His conversation ran along these lines  “Could you help with the project? Help us publicise it to buyers and shop owners as a new event and get the ball rolling … it will be exciting but no, we don’t have any money to give you!”. Of course that changed when the event became established but on a personal level, we could never say no to Roy’s projects.

A few years ago when some of his contemporaries started to retire, I asked him when would be stepping down and letting his sons take over completely? He said he couldn’t possibly as they were getting married/having children and the growing Barnes family needed all hands on deck. However I think he continued because he enjoyed the work and his character meant he had so many friends in the business (and not just business acquaintances). With 2 sons, he always took a fatherly interest in my daughters who both worked for him at the London Swimwear Show and Jemma at Anita became his ‘honorary’ daughter. He has left a huge hole in so many people’s lives and I am sure that Pauline, Vanessa, Martyn and so many others will feel this tremendously.

I have printed his picture here and he would so hate that! He would never pose for a picture but we captured him at one of our Stars events. We thank you for making our lives so much richer. God speed Roy!

Pamela, Sue and Thais at Underlines

His family have announced that his funeral will be held on 26th March 2018 and that everyone is welcome to attend. Roy always enjoyed a good get together!

The funeral will take place at 1.00pm at St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Greasley, Nottingham NG16 2AB and afterwards at Eastwood Hall, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3SS.  Donations to Roy’s chosen charity, Ochre, which is dedicated to raising awareness of oesophageal cancer, can be made here.

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