LYCRA® brand’s new campaign, ‘Innovative Attitude’, targets mills to promote the company’s unique portfolio of fibres that add exceptional comfort, fit and freedom of movement to body-hugging applications such as underwear, swimwear and athleisure. INVISTA, owner of the LYCRA® brand, holds nearly 1,000 granted U.S. patents for its unique technical offerings as well as holding corresponding patents in nearly all of the countries where it has a business presence and boasting 90% global brand awareness.
The ‘Innovative Attitude’ extends beyond fibres to all areas of the business including the marketing support it provides to customers. “Our latest innovation is a virtual hangtag that lives on a retailer’s website; it’s designed to increase shopping conversion rates by educating consumers about the unique benefits of LYCRA® fibre,” said Bob Kirkwood, Executive Vice President at INVISTA. “The virtual hangtag turns every mention of the LYCRA® brand into an engaging interactive content layer aimed at driving sales.”
The new LYCRA® brand hangtag is available to customers free of charge in five different languages.