Eppo and Marlies
Investment fund Karmijn Kapitaal and Creative Director Marlies Dekkers are proudly presenting Eppo van Berckelaer as new Chief Executive Officer of trendsetting lingerie company marlies I dekkers. Bringing extensive knowledge of Business Development, E-commerce and Marketing Management and having worked for A-list brands like O’Neill and Coca-Cola, Van Berckelaer is the designated person to execute the company’s new strategy.
The company has set a new strategic course with a more important role for e-commerce, aiming to achieve its growth goals and also create a brand experience for the online shoppers. These improvements are not only focussed on providing world class service to consumers, but also serve the company’s retail partners by enabling them to anticipate consumer needs in a faster and more flexible way.
“I feel great pride in serving a strong Dutch brand with such extensive international stature. I am also very much looking forward to working with Marlies Dekkers, an inspiring woman who has a creative vision that has touched the hearts and souls of women all over the world. Together we will look at the future.Tomorrow’s market requires businesses to work with efficient, flexible and stable operational structures. I believe this is the way to create added value for marliesIdekkers’ customers and retail partners. And to this I am fully committed.” said Eppo van Berckelaer.